In its news and press releases, FINCIS reports on current issues related to ethics in sports. FINCIS’s news relate to both national and international affairs pertaining to fair play.
In our news archive you can find our press releases dating back to 2010. Due to a reorganisation in 2016, the releases from 2010 to 2016 are from the Finnish Anti-Doping Agency FINADA, and from 2016 onwards, from FINCIS.

National competition manipulation risk assessment 2024 published
The Finnish Center for Integrity in Sports (FINCIS) and the National Platform have jointly issued a report, a so-called risk assessment, on manipulation of sports competitions. The situation is relatively good at the moment, but in the event of cases of manipulation of sports competitions, the various sports stakeholders must recognise their responsibilities. The stakeholders’ rules and processes must be up to date, and the authorities must have the necessary will to investigate related offences.