We are all responsible for promoting sport ethics. Co-operation ensures that all sports stakeholders have a sports culture that is ethically sustainable.

National Platform against manipulation of sports competitions
Article 13 of the Council of Europe Convention on the Manipulation of Sports Competitions requires each contracting party to specify a national platform. The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture has appointed a National Platform for 2023–2027. Under the leadership of FINCIS, the National Platform is updating and preparing, among other things, a national situation picture and action plan against manipulation of sports competitions.
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Nowadays, the range of betting is very wide and betting is possible in almost any sport and competition. Betting involves a large amount of money and therefore attracts manipulation of competitions and other forms of crime, such as money laundering. Betting companies cooperate extensively at the international level to detect and combat manipulation of sports competitions related to betting.
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Sportradar Integrity Services
Sportradar Integrity Services is a global commercial supplier focused on strengthening the integrity of sport and a partner to more than 150 sports federations and leagues.
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