
The purpose of FINCIS is to promote ethical sports in co-operation with sports organisations and other organisations that promote sports in the context of national and international conventions and, for its own part, be responsible for doping control and prevention of manipulation of sporting competitions and ensuring spectator safety in Finland.


FINCIS is a non-profit organisation that receives its primary funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture’s lottery funds. The members of FINCIS are the Finnish Olympic Committee, the Finnish Paralympic Committee, the Finnish Society of Sports Medicine, and the State of Finland, represented by the Ministry of Education and Culture. 

Meetings of the association

Members of the association form a quorum in the meetings of the association. Meetings of the association are held annually on the date decided by the Board; spring meeting in April–May and autumn meeting in November–December. The meetings of the association decide on the rules, action plans and budget of the association, for instance. 

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is in charge of the association’s matters. The Board of Directors consists of the Chair, who is elected by the autumn meeting, and six or seven other ordinary members and two deputy members, who always have the right to speak and be present at Board meetings. 

Anti-Doping Hearing Panel

The Anti-Doping Hearing Panel is an independent body that processes the case and decides whether the action of an athlete or another person falling within the scope of application of the Anti-Doping Code is to be regarded as an anti-doping rule violation under the Code. The Anti-Doping Hearing Panel is appointed by the FINCIS Annual Meeting. The Hearing Panel consists of nine members knowledgeable about top-level sports and two deputy members

Therapeutic Use Exemption Committee

The FINCIS Therapeutic Use Exemption Committee (TUEC) may, on written application by an athlete, grant a TUE for a specified time for the use of a substance or method prohibited in sports in accordance with the International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions approved by WADA. The TUEC, appointed by the FINCIS Board of Directors, includes five physicians as its members. The members are bound by an obligation of confidentiality.


An office led by the Secretary General according to the instructions and regulations issued by the Board of Directors is in charge of FINCIS’ operational activities. The office has a staff of 15 people.

News letter illustration

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