
FINCIS’ activities are based on the strategy for 2022–2025.


Together with our partners, we promote ethical conduct in sports.


Finnish sports are a forerunner in ethical conduct.



  • We are solid experts and reliable in carrying out our work. We honour and comply with common rules and agreements. We operate openly but also adhere to absolute confidentiality in matters that require it. We set an example of responsible activities.


  • We treat and interact with everyone equally, without prejudice and with respect. We are incorruptible, unbiased and independent.


  • We respect, honour and genuinely listen to our stakeholders. We are committed and want others to commit to working together for promoting ethics in sports. We are engaged in open co-operation. We are approachable, courageous and encouraging. We are a central and important part of the sports movement.

Tasks of FINCIS

The following issues are specified as the tasks of FINCIS in the strategy:

  • anti-doping activities
  • prevention of manipulation of sports competitions
  • spectator comfort and safety
  • topical ethical themes

Specific objectives and actions required to achieve them have been specified for each task. The objectives and actions are detailed on an annual basis in an action plan and a budget. Progress towards the objectives defined in the strategy is assessed on a regular basis.

News letter illustration

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Please note! If you are a member of the press or a representative of a sports federation, please subscribe to a specific mailing list designed for your organisation instead of the general FINCIS list. This ensures that you will always receive information about events and current affairs that concern you. Send your name, email address and the name of your media company or sports federation and your position to the FINCIS Communication Manager.