Anti-doping programmes of sports institutes

The anti-doping programmes of sports institutes promote systematic and high-quality anti-doping activities within the institutes. The programmes are a strong statement from Finnish sports institutes: the facilities are doping free. By establishing their own anti-doping programmes, sports institutes also improve their skills in anti-doping activities and strengthen their ethical values.

Sports institutes, who have a key position in the training of athletes, as training grounds for top athletes, and as international meeting places for people interested in sports, should establish their own anti-doping programmes. The anti-doping programmes of sports institutes emphasise education. The people responsible for anti-doping activities appointed by sports institutes coordinate the anti-doping activities of the institute, arrange training and, for example, request additional training services from FINCIS. Information and education about doping outside elite sports can be requested from Dopinglinkki. The anti-doping education and training sessions of sports institutes are arranged with material and content approved by FINCIS.

The Association of Sports Institutes of Finland (ASIF) is committed to developing activities in compliance with the rules of clean sports and fair play at sports institutes. The association is one of the contracting parties and it coordinates the sports institutes’ anti-doping programmes and supports the institutes’ joint efforts to spread awareness of anti-doping activities.

The contents of the anti-doping programmes of sports institutes

The Association of Sports Institutes of Finland (ASIF) and the sports institutes of Varala and Vierumäki have cooperated with FINCIS in compiling a manual for the anti-doping programmes of sports institutes (Urheiluopistojen antidopingohjelmat). The purpose of the manual is to assist the anti-doping programme efforts of sports institutes.

Anti-doping education and training sessions as part of the education and training programme

  • Vocational education and training
  • Vocational extended education and training
  • Coach training
  • Other education and training

Communications and marketing activities

  • Distributing information about clean sports and fair play
  • Communicating about the commitment of the institute
  • Displaying Doping free materials in the institute’s facilities

Doping control

  • Assisting in doping control through the provision of facilities or by helping the doping test team reach the athlete, for example

Follow-up and responsibilities

  • Approval of the programme
  • Keeping the programme up-to-date

Other measures to promote the implementation of the programme

Detailed instructions can be found in the sports institutes’ anti-doping programmes. Institutes can submit their programmes to FINCIS for comments before their official approval. FINCIS is happy to support institutes in establishing their anti-doping programmes. Institutes can choose to have their anti-doping programmes published on the FINCIS website. Programmes can be submitted to the FINCIS Communication Manager for comments and publication. 

Doping free 

The sports institutes who have established an anti-doping programme and signed the agreement are allowed to use the Clean Win sports institute logo (Puhtaasti paras urheiluopisto – Doping free) in their activities. In addition to education and training, the purpose of cooperation is to improve the quality of doping control in the facilities of the institute and in areas designated for sports. The staff are trained to detect signs of doping and to address the issue appropriately. In addition, the sports institutes must disclose the room information of the athletes committed to the Anti-Doping Code accommodated at the institute upon a request from an authorised doping control official.

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