Current ethics issues

The Finnish Center for Integrity in Sports (FINCIS) plays an active role in issues concerning ethics in the Finnish sports community. FINCIS actively raises ethical issues in open discussion in the sports community and produces related information to support discussion. In addition, FINCIS has been responsible for investigating serious ethical issues since the beginning of 2022.

As a facilitator and maintainer of ethics discussions, FINCIS observes phenomena within the sports community. This role requires openness and courage to also raise negative issues, both proactively and in response to issues that have already emerged.

Producing information

As a basis for discussion, FINCIS produces information on ethics in sports for the use of the sports community. Information is produced through research, surveys and publications. FINCIS actively publishes research information through its own publication series and other publications.

Ethical violations

In the centralised disciplinary system for sports adopted at the beginning of 2022, FINCIS is responsible for investigating serious ethical violations in sports and submitting disciplinary requirements to the disciplinary committee. The centralised disciplinary system is administered by the Olympic Committee, and it only applies to sports that are committed to the centralised system. Serious ethical violations that have occurred before 2022 can only be investigated by FINCIS as separate assignments, for example at the request of a sports federation.

FINCIS can start an investigation both independently and at the request of someone else. The confidential investigation material produced by FINCIS is also given to the requesting party for possible further action. FINCIS does not publish decisions concerning serious ethical violations, but the publication decision is made by the Olympic Committee, which administers the centralised disciplinary system.

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