Anti-doping education and training

The purpose of education is to ensure that all sports stakeholders have the required up-to-date information about anti-doping matters. Sports stakeholders are committed to fair play and promote clean sports actively. Athletes make conscious decisions to promote clean and fair sports and no anti-doping rule violations are made by accident. The goal is to introduce anti-doping activities to athletes through education.

FINCIS’ anti-doping activities are regulated by the UNESCO International Convention Against Doping and the Council of Europe convention. In the context of anti-doping matters, the education activities comply with the World’s Anti-Doping Code and Finland’s Anti-Doping Rules as well as the new 2021 edition of the International Standard for Education applicable in all countries. The codes and standard specified above require athletes, their support personnel, sports federations and Olympic and Paralympic committees to commit to anti-doping activities and support these activities with their own actions, such as efficient education and communications. Athletes and their support personnel have the right to receive up-to-date information on anti-doping issues in order to know and understand what they are committed to. 

All sports stakeholders have a right and obligation to promote clean sports. FINCIS cooperates actively with different sports stakeholders in order to improve the expertise on anti-doping issues. The key partners of this cooperation include sports federations, sports institutes, other institutions and the Olympic and Paralympic Committees. The anti-doping activities of sports federations and sports institutes are governed by their own anti-doping programmes.

Education services available by request

FINCIS arranges lectures and provides training services related to anti-doping matters to its key target groups, including top-level athletes, young athletes aiming to become top-level athletes, coaches, sports federations and various institutions.

Anti-doping education and training sessions are free for:

  • sports federations,
  • institutions (sports-oriented secondary schools and upper secondary level units, sports academies, professional degrees in sports),
  • the Olympic Committee and Paralympic Committee,
  • the Finnish Society of Sports Medicine and
  • sports schools of the Finnish Defence Forces.

All other education and training service requests are assessed on a case-by-case basis. Sports clubs are primarily provided with online training services. If a sports club is requesting our training and education services, the typical fee for these services is EUR 300. The fees for sports clubs with international-level athletes are assessed on a case-by-case basis. The fee for these services provided to other parties is EUR 500, invoiced by FINCIS afterwards. 

The main themes of the anti-doping education and training sessions are:

  • commitment to anti-doping codes, agreements and the consequences of anti-doping rule violations,
  • prohibited substances and methods in sports and athletes’ therapeutic use exemptions,
  • right and responsibilities of sports stakeholders in anti-doping activities,
  • fair play and
  • doping control and testing.

Manipulation of sports competitions is a theme that can also be covered during anti-doping education and training sessions. 

In the training and education sessions, the age, previous knowledge of the subject and role in sports of the participants and the client’s requests concerning the content of the sessions are taken into account. The recommended time to be reserved for these sessions is 1.5 hours.

You can submit a request by contacting the Education Manager. A request for these services must be submitted at least three weeks prior to the event.

Clean Win online training

Clean Win is an online training service that athletes, their support personnel as well as other sports stakeholders can use to learn about anti-doping and ensure that they have the latest information. The content of the service is based on anti-doping codes that entered into force on 1 January 2021.

Sports federations, clubs and institutions can use the online training service in their own athlete and coach training sessions. The service can be used, for instance, to review the knowledge of anti-doping matters of a team or the athletes of a club before heading off to a competition, or it can be used as part of coach training. Sports federations can request a list of all persons who have completed the training involved in the sport in question from FINCIS. A diploma is awarded to those who have completed the training, and it can be used as a certificate of completing the training.

The online training module is recommended to be completed in its entirety at least every two years. The new anti-doping code entered into force in the beginning of 2021, voiding all previous completions of the module, which means that everyone must now complete the updated version of the module in its entirety.

The online training module supports and completes existing training models, but it is not intended to replace traditional methods for key target groups.

FINCIS’ training and education material

FINCIS offers training and education material for educational purposes. The material is primarily designed for sports federations, sports clubs and institutions for their educational purposes. The material can also be studied by individuals. Some of the material are also available in Swedish and English. The material is updated regularly. Whenever the material is used in a presentation, please ensure that you are using the latest version. Editing the material is not allowed. The material can be found in the material bank.

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