FINCIS and the National Police Board of Finland to train authorities and sports organisations to recognise manipulation of sports competitions

As part of the IntegriSport Next ERASMUS+ initiative, the Finnish Center for Integrity in Sports (FINCIS), the National Police Board of Finland together with CSCf Foundation for Sport Integrity will organise a training session combatting the manipulation of sports competitions. The training will be organised as a three-day event in Tampere in early November.

Finland is one of the six countries participating in the IntegriSport Next ERASMUS+ funded by the EU in which the aim is to enhance the cooperation between countries to combat the manipulation of sports competitions. Cooperation with the authorities plays an important role in the combatting of this phenomenon, and the purpose of the training implemented as part of the initiative is to increase sports organisations’ and the authorities’ awareness of matters related to the manipulation of sports competitions. Those participating in the training are provided with further information about the methods for investigating the manipulation of sports competitions, methods for the application of the law, sports policies and betting, and virtual currencies.

“According to the situation picture about combatting the manipulation of sports competitions we published earlier this year, the things requiring the most improvement in Finland are recognising and monitoring the manipulation of sports competitions. Through this training, we will enhance the cooperation between sports and authorities and improve the participants’ ability to recognise the risks of manipulating sports competitions,” says Jouko Ikonen, FINCIS Chief Investigative Officer.

From the point of view of the authorities, combatting the manipulation of sports competitions requires a variety of skills as well as keeping those skills up-to-date. This is why developing international competence is an important part of co-operation in IntegriSport Next ERASMUS+.

“International police organisations have previously warned of the pandemic’s possible effects on the manipulation of sports competitions, and even a change for the better in the epidemic doesn’t necessarily mean that things will go back to the way they were. It’s a good thing that this training session can take place. A phenomenon as complex as this requires a continuous increase in expertise and efficient cooperation between different bodies,” says Heidi Lehtonen, Senior Advisor at the Gambling Administration/National Police Board of Finland.

“The fight against sports manipulations should start with awareness and education. Those involved in this field should constantly be updated about the actual trends of this phenomenon. This is why FINCIS and CSCF, for two years in a row, have organised awareness raising sessions for Finnish law enforcement, judiciary and other important stakeholders on how to combat sports manipulations (match-fixing),” says Norbert Rubicsek, the director of CSCF Foundation for Sport Integrity, the co-ordinator of Integrisport NEXT.

The IntegriSport Next ERASMUS+ initiative involves a total of six countries. They are, in addition to Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Malta, Cyprus and Georgia. FINCIS and the National Police Board of Finland are responsible for the initiative in Finland.

More information:
Susanna Sokka
FINCIS – Comminication Manager
tel. +358 (0)40 740 7477